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Helpfull New Years Suggestions

Happy New Year!

Following my theme last year here is an article that reminds us of our resources and good practices. This is from the Activity Association I belong too. Of course the first recommendation might be impossible due to the fact it would take time we don’t have to do the purge. Good Ideas and reminders.

Lori Britton

As we wind down from the holiday season and really get into the New Year, we see everywhere around us that people are embracing new possibilities, new goals, new opportunities. This time of year provides us with opportunities to change our programming, introduce a fresh look and create some much needed creative energy for our organization.

So how you can and your life enrichment team create a new and fresh look for your residents in 2017?

There are numerous answers to this. Let me provide a few suggestions.

  1. February provides a great opportunity to do a little house cleaning. Activity teams seem to collect supplies, decorations, costumes, etc. that take up valuable storage space. I’m not saying anyone has any “hording” tendencies; however it seems we fear throwing old supplies out because we may need them for some future program. I would challenge you to look at your storage and if you have not used a decoration or supply in at least three years, you may want to consider throwing them out and making some space. This theory could extend to offices, meeting rooms, files etc. Another benefit of doing this as a team exercise is that the team can reminisce about programs and events from the past together. You also discover supplies you forgot about which in turn can help the creative process and spring new ideas to life. And speaking of house cleaning, when was the last time you had the activity offices deep cleaned? We are in flu season and while we wipe down the supplies such as bingo cards and exercise equipment, how about your phone, carpet, chair, door knob etc.?

  2. Do you partner with local universities, for continuing education and lifelong learning? Many of these organizations offer education programs for older adults and would be promoting their Spring sessions. They may even come out to your campus for some of the programs. This is a great way to layer in educational programing while developing community partnerships that are sustainable.

  3. Don’t forget your best resource; your residents. Your residents have countless stories, experiences, travelogues etc. that they can share together as part of your programming.

  4. The local schools provide excellent opportunities to partner with and to have your residents interact with students in an intergenerational program.

  5. Exercise and Wellness. How are these layered into your programming? Are they an integral part or just something that takes up space on the calendar? The New Year gives you a fresh start to develop a comprehensive wellness program that will foster independence. Seniors require a special approach that includes increasing ADL (activities of daily living) and falls prevention. These individuals should participate in a challenging program that allows them to meet personal goals and maintain function. Your organization should promote a high-level fitness program to support your residents in staying independent and active. Participants not only build confidence, improve self-image and increase strength, but they also are better equipped to live a life full of energy, activity and socialization.

With a little creativity and embracing the time of year, your activity teams as well as your residents can start thinking about 2017, furthering their own education and opportunities.

Respectfully submitted by:

Michael McCann, M.S.

NAAP Conference Trustee

Taken from NAAP Weekly E-Blast 01/09/2017

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